School break

School Break

So the 20th of December was the first day of the new year holiday and apparently it's also the day I turned older. It was a great day since I knew that I won't be going to school for the next 2 weeks.
My family has a tradition to eat misoa if anyone's having a birthday so thats what we had for breakfast.The rest of the day just consist of hanging out with my family and friends.

I'm basically a living corpse the days after. Sure i'm glad that i have a plenty of time to sleep and i can be as lazy as i wanted to but as each day passed, i'm running out of movies to binge and it gets pretty boring.So i went to Jakarta with my parents by train. We knew we would be stuck in the middle of the highway if we go by car.

We stayed in Jakarta for almost a week,I think.  Despite the hot weather and the fine dust, it was refreshing going there especially meeting with my cousins whom i rarely meet. There were floods everywhere and since we stayed in the not so center in the city, we couldn't go anywhere as we pleased to. So we didn't really go anywhere far. We talked and played cards until the night ended until  new year's eve. It felt like we were night owls and ever since then my sleeping schedule is a total mess.

New year's eve was a blast, we had dinner at the hotel we stayed in with live music playing at the background. After dinner me and my cousins decided to go back to our rooms while the adults rest and relax at the lounge. We cracked jokes and everything but things got pretty intense as time passed . We shared stories and had a deep talked. When it was almost midnight, we went to the swimming pool area to gather with the whole member of my family. Nothing magical happened when the clock strikes 12, I didn't lose a shoe and there was no godmother unlike Cinderella's story but it was a truly exquisite evening to remember. Two days after new year, both my parents and i went back to Bandung .


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